The Hungry Toad


Housed in a historic, brick building constructed in 1904, The Hungry Toad has been a Boulder icon for more than 30 years. Its warm, cozy vibes have created a neighborhood gathering place that is welcoming to all.

We refreshed the brand with the goal of restoring the pub’s image and good standing in the community by bringing the fun of British pub culture to Boulder while preserving the Toad’s long history and charm. Drawing from inspiration of classically illustrated and well-dressed British Toads, we created a more modern rendition of the Hungry Toad to act as a mascot and logo mark for the pub.

Creiamo qualcosa insieme
Smetti di accontentarti di prodotti con logo stampato su stampini come palline antistress, penne o calendari. Fatti riconoscere con articoli che rappresentano autenticamente il tuo marchio, parla della sua etica unica e che fa scattare qualcosa di più profondo e significativo. Connettiti con il nostro team di branding per iniziare.
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