Boulder County Farmers Market

The Boulder County Farmers Market provides an outlet for local agricultural producers and artisans to sell their products directly to the public in Boulder and Longmont.

As a favorite within the community, we were excited to rebrand the Boulder County Farmers Markets. Our goal in rebranding them was to authentically portray the Farmers market experience and make heritage and integrity the foundation of the brand’s graphic language.

We worked closely with their team to develop a new identity, collateral system, signage, and apparel collection for their evolving brand. We created a fluid, visual system that works with their multiple locations yet retains the consistent reputation of the overarching organization.

Creiamo qualcosa insieme
Smetti di accontentarti di prodotti con logo stampato su stampini come palline antistress, penne o calendari. Fatti riconoscere con articoli che rappresentano autenticamente il tuo marchio, parla della sua etica unica e che fa scattare qualcosa di più profondo e significativo. Connettiti con il nostro team di branding per iniziare.
Scelto da:
Parla con un esperto di branding