Passionate about providing wholesome snacking with character, Sir Bananas is a drink that combines milk and bananas in a unique and new way. Sold at conventional and all-natural markets, this satisfying, healthy snack option is fun for the entire family.

We worked with our clients at WhiteWave to create the brand name, product hierarchy, visual identity, character, and retail presence for their new brand. The visual style we created reinforces the character of Sir Bananas and creates a clean and inviting atmosphere, while still inviting fun and personality. The simply illustrated character paired with bright colors pops off the shelf and engages the customer.

Packaging personalizzatoInitial SketchesPackage SketchesPackage Sketch DetailsLogo Identity for Sir BananasCharacter DevelopmentFinished Packaging
Creiamo qualcosa insieme
Smetti di accontentarti di prodotti con logo stampato su stampini come palline antistress, penne o calendari. Fatti riconoscere con articoli che rappresentano autenticamente il tuo marchio, parla della sua etica unica e che fa scattare qualcosa di più profondo e significativo. Connettiti con il nostro team di branding per iniziare.
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